With residents feeling cheated by landlords, a law firm has issued a statement that may come as good news for some. Tenants in Dubai can appeal against an eviction judgment issued by the First Instance Department of the Dubai Rent Disputes Settlement Centre (RDSC).
According to Al Tamimi & Company, judgments issued in rental claims that are less than AED100,000 (or if the annual rent is less than AED100,000) are not accepted by the Appeal Department save in the following circumstances: * If an eviction judgment is issued; * If a judgment is issued in violation of the jurisdiction rules; * If a judgment is issued with something not requested by the parties, or with more than what they requested or if it disregarded some requests; * If a judgment is issued against a person who has not been correctly represented in the action or service was not effective; * If a judgment is based on papers or documents which were declared to be forgeries after the judgment was issued or the judgment was based on a testimony that was judged as a false testimony after the judgment was issued; and * If a party to the lease conceals data or documents from the First Instance Department that may have changed the original decision.
According to the law firm, the aggrieved party has to appeal the judgment of First Instance Department with the Appeal Department within 15 days from the date of the judgment.